Products from the farm

Beer for biodiversity. That's why we started brewing our own beer together with Praght Brewery.
For some time, we have been looking for the connection between the crops we grow and the people who end up eating or using them. For instance, we have previously grown special Durum wheat for Zeeland Pasta.
But our wheat can be used to make more than just pasta. It is also perfect for a delicious summer weizen. Together with Praght Brewery, we had our own wheat beer brewed: Zonnewit. A delicious Zeeland weizen with a fresh hint of orange and a balanced bitterness for a good finish.
Apart from being a delicious beer, our Zonnewit is also a way of giving something back to nature. We invest all earnings from the sale of this beer back into the biodiversity of our fields. For instance, we create flowery field edges, ideal for bees and other insects, but also for small game such as hares and pheasants to hide in.
So for us, Sunshine White is more than just a tasty beer. It is a way of giving something back to nature together with our customers.

Fancy tasting a bottle? We understand that like the best. We just don't have a professional distribution centre or webshop. So get in touch and we'll put a box in front of you. Or drop by Hofstede Villetta in Zonnemaire to taste it over a delicious dinner.